Page 10 - Diabetes Solution Kit (Joe Burton) : Flip It & Read It
P. 10

You must be very careful with the timing and dosage of
         your insulin. Taking the wrong amount or taking it at the
         wrong time can cause problems. Many people don't like
         having to always carry insulin, and lots of us don't like

         sticking ourselves with needles.

           Treatment #3: other injectables

         Besides insulin, there are two other injectable drugs used
         to treat diabetes. Symlin is a synthetic form of the
         hormone Amylin. Amylin is produced along with insulin.
         Amylin, insulin, and another hormone, glucagon, work

         together to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

         Byetta is the first in a new class of drugs called incretin
         mimetics. Byetta is a synthetic version of a naturally-
         occurring hormone that was first discovered in the saliva

         of the lizard we know as the Gila monster. No joke!

         While these drugs have been shown to be helpful,
         remember they are new drugs. We don't know any of
         their long-term effects, and since they cannot be taken at
         the same time as insulin, they can make life complicated,

         risky, and confusing.

         As you can see, traditional medical approaches have a lot
         of negative side effects. The good news for you is...

              We figured out how to reverse your

          diabetes and eliminate drugs and needles
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