Page 9 - Diabetes Solution Kit (Joe Burton) : Flip It & Read It
P. 9

insulin, and pills may not control your blood glucose
         levels during stressful times. You see, stress causes blood
         glucose levels to shoot up.

           Treatment #2: insulin therapy

         Insulin is a body hormone made by the pancreas. People
         with diabetes are prescribed insulin, either because their

         bodies don't produce insulin (Type 1 diabetes) or don't
         use insulin properly (Type 2 diabetes).

         Reasons you may start on insulin:

                    Your blood glucose levels

                    The time you've had diabetes

                    Other medicines you're taking

                    Your general overall health

         You can't take insulin as a pill, by the way, because it gets
         broken down during digestion, so it has to be injected

         into the fat underneath your skin. That's the only way for
         it to get into your blood.
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